Every Hair Type is Different

“Everybody’s hair type is different. Just like your fingerprints.”

The first step towards having beautiful and healthy hair is understanding that no two hair types are alike. When many blogs are written, they are a mirror of the writer’s self-journey and how they transitioned after a big chop. One thing I would like to reinforce is that your hair is one-of-a-kind and that there isn’t a universal way to grow and care for natural hair.

“Everybody’s hair is different. Just like your fingerprints.” said Shayna Lorelike from “Our Hair-itage: A Natural Hair Documentary

I understand that many transitioning women search for hours and watch hours of videos trying to figure out how to style their hair and grow it like popular natural hair vloggers but to achieve any of that- healthy hair is a must.

“All healthy hair has in common certain properties and characteristics. To understand these properly, we need to investigate black hair architecture: elasticity and porosity. We need to know how they each relate to healthy hair care.” said Audrey Davis. The author of The Science of Black Hair: A Comprehensive Guide to Textured Hair Care. 

My goal is to focus on helping you figure out how to care for your hair. The next post will be about discovering the elasticity, porosity and density of your own hair. This knowledge will encourage you to buy products best for cherishing YOUR hair type.

-Natural Curl Queen ♥

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