Typical Wash Day

Q: What products are needed?


Shampoo, Conditioner, Leave-In, Oil, Curl Definer and Denman Detangling Brush


Q: Why are these products needed?

A: Shampoo is to remove built up residue. The conditioner is to moisturize. The brush is to detangle. The spray is a leave-in conditioner for all day moisture. The oil is to lock in the moisture and the curl definer is to give the hairstyle a lot of definition.

Q: What’s next?

4 Sections
Before washing, part hair into 4 sections for easier product reach and detangling

Q: Do the 4 sections really make it easier?

A: Depending on your porosity, you may use fewer sections or more. I prefer 6 sections. 4 is used when I can’t find ponytail holders.

Q: The porosity?

A: Yes, how much water and moisture my hair can hold. With four sections it may feel like my hair is all soaked but once I go to finger comb it, I’ll realize that there are still areas of my hair that are completely dry and untouched by water or product.

Q: Do you apply the product on in sections, as well?


A: It’s best to go section by section. putting the hair back up as you’ve finished a section until you’re ready to style it.

Q: Do you apply the product in a sequence per section or do you go all shampoo first, all conditioner, etc…?

A: All shampoo, All conditioner… lol, if I tried to finish a section before starting a section then it would end up just being a waste of time.

Q: How much product do you use?

Shampoo Amount
Shampoo per section
Conditioner per section

Q: Per section? Is that not a lot?

A: No, like I said earlier, my hair takes a while to absorb any product and if I use any other amount, I’ll discover that I missed a spot or two.

You can ask any curly hair person. We buy 3 conditioners for every 1 shampoo.

Q: What is the order in which you apply product?

A: Shampoo, conditioner, and then the LOC Method. Leave-in, Oil, and Curl Definer or Cream.

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Q: When do you detangle?

A: I detangle while there is conditioner in and then later again after I put oil in my hair.

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Q: What type of brush is that?

A: World’s best brush. I’m kidding, sort of, it’s a Denman brush and they specialize in products for curly hair. As a curly hair person, we’re supposed to brush from bottom to top but the Denman allows me to do both easily. I discovered it when I transitioned. I could comb straight through my curly hair, my wavy hair and my straight hair because I had 3 different textures at the time.

Q: After you detangle, what’s next?

A: Freedom! Just kidding. Once all sections have product, I usually do a flat twist and put a wig on. I don’t do it right away though, My hair takes 3-4 hours to dry because I don’t use heat from a diffuser and just let it air dry.

Q: 4 hours? So how long does the whole process take?

A: It’s called “Wash Day” for a reason. It can go all day honestly. I choose the quickest style I know and it still takes about 7 hours of my day total.

Summer Travels

As summer approaches, many people have planned beach getaways and are picking out travel destinations.

These trips usually bring about fun and change, which can be harsh on your hair.  

Over the summer when changing from a cold state to a hot state or vice versa, the hair will be affected immediately. In order to maintain healthy hair that doesn’t begin to weaken and break, preparations should be taken such as using protective styles if you don’t think you’ll have time to focus on your hair.

Protective styles are hairstyles that keep your natural hair protected when living an ‘’on-the-go” lifestyle. There are styles that either hide your real hair: such as wigs, weave, braids, faux locs or crochets which are worn after braiding up your real hair to your scalp as cornrows.

Other protective styles include using jumbo twist in your real hair and just letting the hair be tied up in a pineapple or down just to keep the hair stretched for when you decide to style. Bantu knots and cornrows both work as a protective style as well.
Any style that has the hair split into sections will be useful while traveling since it allows for quick easy access of washing and styling the sections by section and re-doing the style as you finish each section. This prevents hair from matting together due to the new weather or beach hopping.

Wishing you safe travels and a happy summer!

-Natural Curl Queen ♥